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Call for Papers: Industry Track

Goal and Scope

The ICSME 2016 industry track is the place to share insights about methods, techniques, and tools applied in industry:

  • Real-world success and/or failure stories and evidences
  • Experiences and lessons of state-of-the-art practice reports
  • New and unsolved research challenges derived from practical problems

The industry track brings together participants from academia and industry in a venue that highlights practical and real-world studies of software maintenance and evolution. This track aims to foster mutually-beneficial links between those engaged in scientific research and practitioners working to improve software maintenance and evolution practices. Experiences from practitioners provide crucial input into future research directions and allow others to learn from successes and failures.

We are interested in results, obstacles, and lessons learned. If you apply in an industrial context a method, technique, or tool that was previously presented at ICSME or another software engineering conference, we greatly encourage you to submit to this track.

We invite submissions of state-of-the-art practice and experience reports, survey reports from real-world projects and industrial experiences, and evidence-based identification of unsolved research challenges associated to software maintenance and evolution. Each submission should describe the problem addressed, the approach used, the current state of the project, an evaluation of the benefits or lessons learned, and future developments. Submissions can be either short (4 pages) or long (10 pages).

  • Short papers (4 pages) may include:
    • New and unsolved research challenges derived from practical problems
    • Success stories reporting benefits and lessons learned
    • Failure stories reporting obstacles and lessons learned
  • Long papers (10 pages) may include:
    • State-of-the-practice and experience reports with empirical evidences
    • State-of-the-practice surveys reports from real-world projects
    • In-depth application reports about methods, techniques, and tools


All submissions that meet the submission criteria (see below) and fit the scope of the conference will be reviewed by at least two members of the industry track program committee. Key reviewing criteria are listed below. Note that not all criteria are appropriate for every submission — e.g., improvement on the state-of-the-practice may be irrelevant for an experience report — and that we will adjust criteria to fit the given type of submission.

Relevance to ICSME audience
The core concepts of the work either originate in research, either at ICSME or a related conference, or are novel ICSME-appropriate topics.
Improvement on the state-of-the-practice
The amount of improvement that the work achieves above and beyond the state-of-the-practice.
Impact of tech transfer activity
The scale of the impact (e.g., individual vs team vs several teams) of the tech transfer work (only relevant for tech transfer activities).
Generality of results
The probability that the work, approach, or lessons learned are applicable to developers outside of the studied group.
Clarity of lessons learned
The clarity in which the lessons learned are presented and how well they are supported with data and discussion.
Overall quality of the manuscript

Submissions that are not in compliance with the required submission format or that are out of the scope of the conference will be rejected without being reviewed. Submitted papers must comply with IEEE plagiarism policy and procedures. Papers submitted to the industry track must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICSME 2016.

Publication and Presentation

Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please review the ICSME 2016 Publication Requirements for more details. Presentation details will follow notifications of acceptance.

How to Submit

For 2016 we are introducing a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Submitted papers must adhere to the following rules:

  • Author names and affiliations must be omitted. (The track co-chairs will check compliance before reviewing begins.)
  • References to authors' own related work must be in the third person. (For example, not "We build on our previous work..." but rather "We build on the work of...")

Please see the Double-Blind Reviewing FAQ for more information and guidance.

Submissions must be formatted according to the ICSME 2016 Formatting Instructions. Papers must not exceed 4 pages (for short papers) or 10 pages (for long papers), including all text, references, figures, and appendices. All submissions must be in PDF and must be submitted online by the deadline via the ICSME 2016 Industry Track EasyChair conference management system.

Important Dates

Abstract submission
June 24, 2016
Paper submission
July 1, 2016
Author notification
July 29, 2016

Submissions close at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12)