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Call for Proposals: Technology Briefings

Goal and Scope

ICSME 2016 technology briefings aim to bridge the gap between research and practice. Technology briefings showcase results and techniques that industry/academic practitioners can use "off the shelf." We invite proposals for short briefings (30 minutes, including Q&A) that may (but are not required to) include executable support tools, "paper-based" conceptual frameworks with proven value, or reviews that reflect on where we have been and where should we go in the future. Topics may include (but are not restricted to) the following:

  • Significant research findings that are not yet commonly used in industry
  • Important industry needs that are not adequately addressed in the research community
  • Ways to improve the communication channels between the research and practitioner communities
  • Ways to make research papers more accessible to industry
  • Critical review on software quality assessment — What is quality? Does it include security, usability, and other non-functional requirements? Does it include "ease of doing business," customer satisfaction, and other related topics?
  • Guidance on how to invest in quality improvement initiatives — Where do we get the biggest bang for the buck?
  • Best practice on release management — How does it affect software quality, engineering processes, and customer experience and perception?

Proposals must contain:

  • Name and affiliation of the proposer/organizer (including address, phone number, fax number, e-mail)
  • Name and affiliation of each additional presenter
  • Presenters' experience in the area, including other tutorials, courses, etc.
  • Title, objective, abstract
  • Outline with approximate timings
  • Target audience, including indication of level (novice, intermediate, expert)
  • Assumed background of attendees
  • Brief biography of each presenter (for later inclusion in publicity materials)
  • History of the briefing (if it has been already presented, provide location, estimated attendance, etc.)
  • Audio-visual and technical requirements
  • References, including the proposers' papers on the subject (if any)


All submissions that meet the submission criteria (see below) and fit the scope of the conference will be reviewed by the technology briefings chairs. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of timeliness of and expected interest in the topic, the proposer's ability to present an interesting briefing, and the potential for attracting a sufficient number of participants. Submissions that are not in compliance with the required submission format or that are out of the scope of the conference will be rejected without being reviewed. Submitted proposals must comply with IEEE plagiarism policy and procedures.

Publication and Presentation

Summaries of accepted technology briefings (including titles, names and affiliations of proposers/organizers, and abstracts) will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Presenters must be available on the dates reserved by ICSME 2016 for technology briefings. Presentation details will follow notifications of acceptance.

How to Submit

Submissions must be formatted according to the ICSME 2016 Formatting Instructions. Proposals must not exceed 3 pages (including all text, references, figures, and appendices). All submissions must be in PDF and must be submitted via email to the chairs ( and with the subject "ICSME 2016 Technology Briefings Proposal" (without the quotes).

Important Dates

Abstract submission
June 24, 2016
Proposal submission
July 1, 2016
Author notification
July 29, 2016

Submissions close at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12)