Some submitters to ICSME'16 have asked about our response to the North Carolina Legislature's recent "House Bill 2," which blocks cities from allowing transgender individuals to use public multi-occupancy bathrooms consistent with their gender identity — as well as restricting cities from passing nondiscrimination laws more broadly.
ICSME'16 will respect and accept and gladly welcome all members of the international research community regardless of their race, sexual orientation or gender identity.
We believe HB2 to be ill-conceived, rude, and ridiculous. Further, we believe that it will soon be repealed and, in the meantime, much government money and time will be wasted on this silliness.
This law, written in extreme haste, is so poorly designed that it is unenforcable. "We're not checking birth certificates. We just don't have the police power to be able to do that in bathrooms", say local police representatives.
The law lacks support within Raleigh and has been widely criticized by local community leaders:
As to the venue for ICSME'16, the Raleigh Marriott City Center writes:
We believe that the best response to the nonsense of HB2 is to show the world the value of diverse minds meeting to tackle hard and fascinating and pressing current problems. As such, we invite you to join us in October and sincerely hope that you will choose to do so. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions about the conference or its venue.
Nick Kraft and Tim Menzies
General Co-Chairs of ICSME'16